Crafting More Than Design

Anyone who knows me  knows that I’m not simply driven by dedication to my craft, I operate on faith and I take the time to celebrate my wins. As the founder of Creative Studios Limited, I recently found myself in the luxurious halls of the Kigali Convention Centre, in Rwanda. Participating in the  TIME100 Summit […]


Just like Mount Kilimanjaro, which is Tanzania’s pride and joy, boldly taking up space and boasting its beauty, as interior designers, we think in terms of scale, proportion, balance, form, and shape. When it comes to scale and proportion as an interior designer starting a project from scratch, we prioritise harmonising functionality with aesthetics. Ensuring […]

Banking on Brilliance: Crafting Innovative Spaces for Africa’s Financial Frontier

Happy International Bank Day! Bank Day holds special significance for us at Creative Studios Limited. As designers, we reflect on the integral role space plays in shaping the identity and functionality of institutions, and today, we focus on banks in particular. We take this opportunity to celebrate our commitment to crafting innovative and purposeful spaces […]

Designing For Different Generations

Each generation, from Baby Boomers to Millennials and Gen Z, possesses unique tastes, lifestyles, and requirements and we have had the privilege of working with all the above mentioned generations.  During a home renovation, we worked closely with both  Gen Z and Gen Alpha clients to create their ideal bedroom that incorporated their taste in […]

Test Your Knowledge on Multifunctional Spaces

We are back with another one! We were thrilled with the responses we received from the last quiz entitled “Defining Your Personal Style” .Unfortunately most of our responses came in the form whatsapp messages, and while we love that you took the time to get to know your personal style, we would appreciate it if […]

Interior Design and Film

Anyone who knows me well will have at one point or another either, watched a movie with me or heard me talk about the interior design elements of a film I’ve watched. Although I’m really not much of a film watcher I will confess that while I do pay attention to the storyline I can’t […]

Designing For Cities

Habari Ndugu!  I trust you are all well. I am writing this to you on this significant occasion of World Cities Day.  I am compelled to share my thoughts on a subject very close to my heart: Urban Development through Design Excellence. My journey as a design expert, an international exam verifier, a pan African […]

Defining Your Personal Style – Take Our Quiz!

Your home is a canvas, and the way you adorn it tells not just a story, but – your story. It is not just about the space layout, furniture and colour schemes; it is about capturing the essence of who you are. At Creative Studios Limited, we understand that defining your personal style is a […]

Cheap Is Expensive

In the world of design and construction, the phrase “Cheap is Expensive” carries a profound truth. At Creative Studios Limited, we understand the value of investing in quality materials and craftsmanship. While some might be enticed by the allure of lower upfront costs, the long-term repercussions of using subpar materials are far-reaching and often costly. […]

Embracing African Excellence in Design

In the vibrant tapestry of Tanzanian history, Nyerere Day stands as a symbol of unity, wisdom, and national pride. It is a day to honour the legacy of Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, a visionary leader whose ideals continue to shape the nation. This Nyerere Day, Creative Studios Limited proudly embraces the spirit of African excellence […]